À GO, on lit!

Reading is far form boring!
À Go, on lit! (AGOL) is a collective movement launched across Quebec to help inspire a hunger for reading in young people.
The objective: demonstrate the benefits of reading, that it’s a source of pleasure, escapism, and success. To join the movement, youth are invited to take the quiz on to learn what type of reader best represents them according to their interests. Afterward, several book suggestions will be given tailored to their personal tastes.
À GO, share the movement!
Wanting to share À GO, on lit! across your network? Do you work directly with young people?
Here are some important things to know to help you play the role of promoter for the movement:
- Follow AGOL’s social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, and encourage the young people you know to do the same.
- Share posts and videos on your socials and use the #agoonlit hashtag and @agoonlit tag.
- Promote the website in your communications and encourage young people to take the online quiz and get access to books that match their interests.
- Check out the Espace Mentor.e of AGOL, a section 100% dedicated to you with extra enhancements this year. You’ll find resources such as classroom and library activities, articles, videos, promotional materials, and much more.
- Use AGOL as a way to reach out to young people by creating activities in the classroom or wherever you are: discussions about reading, sharing current favourites, listening to the AGOL podcast and quick summaries, animating activities around key themes, and more. For inspiration, check out the “À GO, on lit en classe” Activities section. You’ll find plenty of other activities to do with youngsters in the Espace Mentor.e section of the site.
- Dress in AGOL’s colours online: download tools and visuals for your website and socials.
Contact Dominique Vyboh Poirier, Communications Consultant
819 868-3100, ext. 56006