Educational Success

Transition to kindergarten

Transition to kindergarten, a gateway to educational success

When the transition to kindergarten is experienced smoothly, it provides a foundation for future transitions.

School transition has an impact on a child’s motivation and commitment to school, and by extension, on his or her school perseverance and educational success. The school transition is part of a global dynamic in which several actors are involved in the child’s development: the daycare environment, the school environment, the parents, the community environment, and the health and social services network.

Guide to the first school transition

Discover our Guide, developed for inter-sectoral stakeholders to promote educational success in Estrie.

A tool that promotes collaboration between the various sectors and the implementation of activities aimed at a harmonious first school transition.

Some statistics


children in Estrie aged 4 to 5 are likely to enter school.


of children in Estrie are vulnerable in at least one developmental area when they enter kindergarten.

8 to 21%

of children experience adjustment difficulties during their first school transition.

2023-2024 Regional Action Plan for a harmonious first school transition

In order to promote the educational success of young Estriens, R3USSIR has developed a Regional Action Plan for a harmonious first school transition.

The objective of this plan is to act, in collaboration with stakeholders from all sectors, in the implementation of actions allowing children to better prepare for school.

Here are the five main orientations in support of our actions:

  1. Mobilize and support the actors and stakeholders involved in the first school transition around concerted actions
  2. Encourage the implementation of concerted actions for the first school transition to reach all children, based on research and existing programs
  3. Promote the importance of early school transitions to parents and stakeholders
  4. Establish structures for sharing practices based on identified needs
  5. Promote the sharing of information between the health and social services community and the school community

Network of regional partners in first school transition

In order to allow children to better prepare for school, R3USSIR has set up a network of regional partners, bringing together 19 partners from all regions of Estrie:

  • Action Handicap Estrie
  • Association des Townshippers
  • Cégep de Granby
  • Cégep de Sherbrooke
  • Centre de services scolaire de la Région-de-Sherbrooke
  • Centre de services scolaire des Hauts-Cantons
  • Centre de services scolaire des Sommets
  • Centre de services scolaire du Val-des-Cerfs
  • CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS – Direction de santé publique
  • CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS – Direction des programmes de déficience intellectuelle, trouble du spectre de l’autisme et déficience physique, Continuum DI-TSA
  • CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS – Direction du programme jeunesse, Services périnatalité, petite enfance et pédopsychiatrie
  • CIUSSS de l’Estrie – CHUS – Direction périnatalité et petite enfance
  • Commission scolaire Eastern Townships
  • Ministère de la Famille – Direction de l’opération des programmes
  • Regroupement des centres de la petite enfance des Cantons de l’Est
  • Regroupement des organismes communautaires Famille de l’Estrie (Maison de la famille Les Arbrisseaux)
  • Regroupement local de partenaires (ValFamille)
  • Service d’aide aux Néo-Canadiens
  • Université de Sherbrooke – Département d’enseignement préscolaire et primaire de la Faculté d’éducation

Local concerted action groups in first school transition

Local concerted action groups in various territories in Estrie have set up local school transition committees, based on issues specific to their territories. As a member of these committees, R3USSIR supports local organizations, consultations, and groups in the deployment of school transition initiatives, in addition to ensuring the transfer of knowledge on school transition.

In our toolkit

All in the same garden

Practical tools
Transition to kindergarten
This poster is designed for educational childcare services (SGÉE) and school staff, as well as for community members from the health and social services network and the general community...

Placemat – “Mom, dad, I am getting ready for kindergarten”

Practical tools
Transition to kindergarten
This placemat, designed for parents of 4-year-olds, aims to smooth the road into kindergarten with ideas for activities and learning that will support the school transition...

Toolkit for key moments in the transition to kindergarten

Practical tools
Transition to kindergarten
This toolkit contains three things: 1) Examples of transition to kindergarten activities for partners; 2) Tips & tricks for the transition to kindergarten for parents; and 3) Emotions, Stress, and the Transition to Kindergarten for parents.

Video – Entry into school – Tips to promote a positive start to school

Informative Content
Transition to kindergarten
Tips to promote a positive start to school

My Profile Tool 2.0

Practical tools
Transition to kindergarten
The My Profile Tool 2.0 is used to assess children's developmental achievements. It was created by childcare educators and distributed to partners in schools in order to promote continuity with regard to the educational services offered to children.

The transition to kindergarten

Informative Content
Transition to kindergarten
The Transition to Kindergarten guide is intended to provide readers with the tools they need to promote collaboration between various sectors and the implementation of activities aimed at the first school transition, all in the context of educational success. It...

Video – The first transition to school

Informative Content
Transition to kindergarten
When a child and their family have a smooth transition to school, it creates a precedent for future successful transitions and therefore has a positive impact on educational success. This video by the Chantier montréalais Transition vers l’école discusses issues...

News and events

23 May 2024

Une offre bonifiée pour soutenir la réussite éducative des jeunes en période estivale, grâce au financement issu du plan de rattrapage
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22 May 2024

OFFRE D'EMPLOI – Agent.e en valorisation des connaissances
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22 May 2024

OFFRE D'EMPLOI – Adjoint.e aux opérations et à l'administration
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16 May 2024

L'Estrie "Voit grand avec ses parents" : Près de 150 personnes se rassemblent pour mieux soutenir la parentalité
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7 May 2024

OFFRE D'EMPLOI – Coordonnateur.trice à l'administration et aux projets spéciaux
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17 Apr 2024

Concours Mon boss c'est le meilleur : Découvrez les « meilleurs boss » de 2024!
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15 Apr 2024

30 projets locaux financés par R3USSIR dans le cadre du plan de rattrapage scolaire et psychosocial
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4 Apr 2024

Rendez-vous annuel des partenaires : En route vers une planification stratégique concertée pour l’automne 2024! 
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19 Feb 2024

Comprendre les sources du manque de personnel pour 5 professions priorisées en Estrie 
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19 Feb 2024

Voir grand avec les parents - Une nouvelle formule en deux temps! 
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13 Feb 2024

Événement 15e anniversaire des JPS en Estrie : 23 initiatives mises sous le projecteur
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8 Feb 2024

Plan de rattrapage scolaire et psychosocial : R3USSIR fait partie de la solution!
Read more


Contact Claudine Roussel, Concertation and Liaison Officer.
819 868-3100, ext. 56009

Other educational success projects

R3USSIR carries out several projects related to educational success and school retention in the Eastern Townships.