Educational Success

A taste for reading, an asset for life
Learning to read is a fundamental factor in educational success.
In order to develop their full potential, young people must learn to love reading and to use reading as a springboard for all other learning. A love of reading is a priceless gift that will determine a student’s commitment to school and their level of perseverance in all areas of their lives.

Estrie, a community engaged for literacy
Everyone has a role to play in developing and maintaining literacy skills.
In this infographic, find out how educators and teachers, parents, stakeholders, community members, employers and elected officials can get involved in a concrete way.
Some statistics
reading projects supported.
of people in Estrie aged 15 and over do not have Level 3 literacy skills according to PEICA.
of Estrie children are vulnerable in the domain of cognitive and language development upon entering kindergarten.
invested in local projects in 2022-2023.
2023-2024 literacy priorities
R3USSIR’s 2020-2023 regional literacy action plan to develop the literacy skills of young people and their families has come to an end. Pending the results of the mobilization and concerted planning process scheduled for Fall 2024, R3USSIR has adopted 6 priorities for the year 2023-2024 in continuity with the 2020-2023 literacy action plan:
- Raise awareness and engage stakeholders whose primary role is not to develop literacy skills in the community
- Prioritize the value of libraries and expand their reach
- Increase opportunities for families to interact with the written word
- Increase the number of initiatives aimed at teens
- Reinforce parents’ motivation and sense of competence in developing their children’s literacy skills
- Increase the capacity of stakeholders to act
Regional literacy committee
In order to promote, increase and maintain interest in reading among 0-20 year olds and their parents, R3USSIR coordinates and facilitates a working committee on literacy, composed of 20 partners from different backgrounds.
Contact Karine Plouffe, Liaison and Development Officer and Responsible for Literacy and Summer Strategy Projects
819 868-3100, ext. 56007

Literacy projects
R3USSIR supports grassroots initiatives to develop the literacy skills of youth and their families.