Informative content, local activities being supported, data and profiles, infographics, webinars and events…
Our toolkit has everything you need to build success in Estrie’s communities!
The R3USSIR Toolkit is a platform bringing together a wide variety of resources intended to equip stakeholders from all sectors who take action promote educational success and school perseverance, and optimize the relationship between supplying training and the needs of the labour market.
8 result(s)

Training – Introduction to Interactive Reading
Webinars and events
Educational Success
All in the same garden
Practical tools
Educational Success
Placemat – “Mom, dad, I am getting ready for kindergarten”
Practical tools
Educational Success
Toolkit for key moments in the transition to kindergarten
Practical tools
Educational Success
Video – Entry into school – Tips to promote a positive start to school
Informative Content
Educational Success
My Profile Tool 2.0
Practical tools
Educational Success
The transition to kindergarten
Informative Content
Educational Success
Video – The first transition to school
Informative Content
Educational SuccessTraining – Introduction to Interactive Reading
Webinars and events
As part of the Summer Slide project, the Réseau québécois pour la réussite éducative has partnered with Frontier College to offer a series of webinars to community-based youth workers on the topic of facilitating reading. This webinar introduces the basics of facilitation. Note that the webinar is only available in French, but the PPT is in English.
Frontier College
Consult Training – Introduction to Interactive Reading (PPT)Consult Webinaire – Initiation à la lecture animée (FRENCH)
All in the same garden
Practical tools
This poster is designed for educational childcare services (SGÉE) and school staff, as well as for community members from the health and social services network and the general community. It is a useful popularization tool for developing a common vision of the educational programs offered to children in SGÉE and kindergarten for 4- and 5-year-olds. It brings together common elements from the Ministère de la Famille‘s Accueillir la petite enfance program and the Ministère de l’Éducation‘s preschool education cycle program. The garden metaphor is used to illustrate the cohesion and continuity of these programs. Feel free to use it in your interventions with families whose children will be transitioning into kindergarten to address the aspects covered in these two educational programs.
Consult Poster – All in the same garden
Placemat – “Mom, dad, I am getting ready for kindergarten”
Practical tools
This placemat, designed for parents of 4-year-olds, aims to smooth the road into kindergarten with ideas for activities and learning that will support the school transition. One side of the placemat illustrates what a child needs in order to be ready for kindergarten. The other side is a “Look and Find” game that encourages children to develop their skills. The purpose of the placemat is to encourage parent-child discussions about starting school in a playful way, and to explain to and reassure the parent about expectations in order to reduce the pressure on both them and the child.

Toolkit for key moments in the transition to kindergarten
Practical tools
This toolkit contains three things: 1) Examples of transition to kindergarten activities for partners; 2) Tips & tricks for the transition to kindergarten for parents; and 3) Emotions, Stress, and the Transition to Kindergarten for parents.
Consult Toolkit for key moments in the transition to kindergarten
Video – Entry into school – Tips to promote a positive start to school
Informative Content
This video, aimed at parents, features testimonials from parents and tips from professionals on how to prepare for a smooth transition to kindergarten.
Projet Partenaire pour la réussite éducative en Estrie
Consult Video – Entry into school – Tips to promote a positive start to school
My Profile Tool 2.0
Practical tools
The My Profile Tool 2.0 is used to assess children’s developmental achievements. It was created by childcare educators and distributed to partners in schools in order to promote continuity with regard to the educational services offered to children.
Partenaires de Memphré en mouvement
Consult My Profile Tool 2.0 (paper version)Consult My Profile Tool 2.0 (electronic version)Consult My Profile Tool 2.0 – Parental Authorization
The transition to kindergarten
Informative Content
The Transition to Kindergarten guide is intended to provide readers with the tools they need to promote collaboration between various sectors and the implementation of activities aimed at the first school transition, all in the context of educational success. It aims to contribute to the development of a common vision of the first school transition and to shed light on the implementation of school transition activities, based on parameters recognized by research.
Projet Partenaires pour la réussite éducative en Estrie
Consult The Transition to Kindergarten: A Guide for Intersectoral Stakeholders in the Estrie RegionConsult Synthesis – The Transition to Kindergarten Guide
Video – The first transition to school
Informative Content
When a child and their family have a smooth transition to school, it creates a precedent for future successful transitions and therefore has a positive impact on educational success. This video by the Chantier montréalais Transition vers l’école discusses issues such as the factors that foster a successful transition to kindergarten.