
Informative content, local activities being supported, data and profiles, infographics, webinars and events…

Our toolkit has everything you need to build success in Estrie’s communities!

The R3USSIR Toolkit is a platform bringing together a wide variety of resources intended to equip stakeholders from all sectors who take action promote educational success and school perseverance, and optimize the relationship between supplying training and the needs of the labour market.



Content type
Target audiences
18 result(s)

Summer Strategy – Activity ideas

Turnkey Tools
Summer strategy
An infographic presenting turnkey activities for parents, if you want to make a difference for our young people during summer.

The determinants of educational success

Informative Content
Educational Success
Reference document aiming to support IRCs and their partners in drawing up their regional-local action plan, and fact sheets aiming to support the power to act of partners working to promote educational success.

Guide – Interactive reading and literacy games

Practical tools
Educational Success
Fun reading activities and literacy games for camp counsellors and others running activities about literacy.

All in the same garden

Practical tools
Transition to kindergarten
This poster is designed for educational childcare services (SGÉE) and school staff, as well as for community members from the health and social services network and the general community…

Toolkit for key moments in the transition to kindergarten

Practical tools
Transition to kindergarten
This toolkit contains three things: 1) Examples of transition to kindergarten activities for partners; 2) Tips & tricks for the transition to kindergarten for parents; and 3) Emotions, Stress, and the Transition to Kindergarten for parents.

The transition to kindergarten

Informative Content
Transition to kindergarten
The Transition to Kindergarten guide is intended to provide readers with the tools they need to promote collaboration between various sectors and the implementation of activities aimed at the first school transition, all in the context of educational success. It…

Treasure hunt

Practical tools
Educational Success
10 “Treasure Hunt” flyers for parents to use with their child when visiting a grocery store or while at a party for children.

Report – Reading for pleasure

Data and Portraits
This resource aims to support the development or analysis of projects designed to motivate youth to read.

56 tips & tricks for reading

Informative Content
Educational Success
A series of 56 illustrations designed for parents that present interesting tips for approaching reading and how to integrate it into the daily life of their preschool or elementary school child. The illustrations are available in both PDF and JPG…

Our publications

To learn more about R3USSIR, consult our annual reports, press releases, and newsletters.